Created a Full stack E-Commerce web application

This webapp provides functionalities that includes

  • User Login and Registration Functionality
  • Implemented Google Login
  • All Users/admins info is stored in MongoDB database
  • Product Images is stored in Amazon S3 Bucket
  • Users can favorite any product. The Favorites will be stored on the Database.
  • Users can search for products
  • Filters can be added among products: Price Low to High, Recently Added and more
  • Stripe functionality to order the product at the given address
  • Customer review functionality

Customer Screens

Admin Panel

  • Admin Dashboard displays revenue generated and orders for today, this week and this month
  • Google Login for Admin Panel
  • Only allowed Emails are allowed to access the panel
  • Admins can Add/Edit any product or category
  • Admins can see the orders and cancel them
  • Admins can change the featured product
  • Admins have the Order page where they can see if the payment is done successfully